In a safe, home-like environment, we will meet one-on-one to discuss and explore obstacles that are keeping you from living your most pleasurable, relational life.

We work together to develop new skills to help you manage challenging feelings and situations and we will also explore your thinking and behavioral patterns that are keeping you stuck in your same old way of doing things.  

My areas of focus in individual therapy include: 

  • Anxiety

  • Male sexual health, including erectile dysfunction, early (premature) or delayed ejaculation, low libido, fertility challenges

  • Shame and sexuality

  • Female sexual health, including pain with penatrative sex (vaginismus, dyspareunia), low libedo, fertiliy challenges, perinatal sexual health

  • Kink/BDSM/Fetishes

  • Out of control sexual behaviors, including pornography usage

In Relationship Therapy, we focus on helping couples in all types of relationships gain new perspectives and encourage new ways of relating to each other in hopes of building a stronger relationship with your partner.

The foundation of all strong relationships begins with communication. We work to improve communication and build skills that allow you and your partner to work through challenges.

Whether you are coping with relationship distress around trying to conceive, being new parents, dealing with your own or a partners mental health, having sexual dysfunction, coming out later in life, in a relationship where your partner is transitioning, rekindling sexual desire, having differences in libido, needing to explore your individual sexual needs - we provide a safe place for you.